Ever Get in a Fitness Funk....Just Remember KEEP MOVING!

The winter months can cause many of us to get into a bit of a funk. It’s cold outside, it gets dark sooooo very early and all you want to do is cuddle up in front of the television and wait for spring. The last thing you may feel like doing is going to the gym or taking that bootcamp class to be yelled out for 45 minutes. I admit it, I am guilty of getting into this funk as well.

Usually, I tell myself “Rich, snap out of it and get moving.” I begin to day dream about sunnier and warmer days and realize they will be here before I know it. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t😊. The most important thing is not to be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t. But when it does work, I feel so much better that I pushed myself to get to the gym or that group fitness class. Sometimes, it may be a shorter workout and that’s ok. As long as I’m moving and taking care of myself. Without fail, I feel like a new person when I’m done with that “sweat session”. Today was a perfect example. I wasn’t feeling it, but I was already there. I got myself in gear and hopped on the Woodway treadmill and did ten 30 second sprints with a minute rest in between. It was short and sweet, but I felt great afterwards and now psyched to take my bootcamp class tonight.

Keep moving my friends! Spring will be here before we know it.