It's Okay Not To Be Okay

These are definitely unprecedented times we are living in today. I know you’ve heard the phrase many times in the last six months, but it still remains true. Every individual is experiencing different emotions during this time and the emotions may vary day to day. We’re all dealing with different challenges impacting our mental wellbeing. Me included. What I’ve learned during this time is to never discount your challenges or emotions you are feeling and never discount those of others. The most important thing we can do is honor and accept the way we are feeling at a particular moment and also remember to honor the feelings of others even if we don’t completely understand those feelings.

Many of us have heard people say the last six months have been and can continue to be a time of self growth, experiencing something new or accomplishing an achievement you thought you didn’t have the time to explore. This is excellent advice, however we need to make sure we don’t pressure ourselves in making every moment a moment of exploration and if its not; be upset with ourselves. This to can cause undo pressure and angst. We are each on our own journey and need to honor our own individual processes. In other words, “It’s okay not to be okay” once in awhile. I believe once we recognize this, it’s so much easier to do self exploration, achieve those goals and try that “new something” may it be whatever it is.